Massad Boulos Net Worth, Wiki, Biography

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Massad Boulos Net Worth, Wiki, Biography

Massad Boulos is a Lebanese billionaire. He is the founder of SCOA Nigeria PLC and is the current CEO of MAGA and KAG, however, he is known for his relationship with President Trump.

He is married to Michael Paul’s father and fourth daughter, Tiffany Trump. Here are some interesting facts about his son Trump’s father.

Massad Boulos Wiki

NameMassad Boulos
ProfessionBusiness Executive

Massad Boulos Net Worth

Lets check out Massad Boulos Net worth income salary 2021 report details which is given below

Total Massad Boulos Net Worth in 2021 $1 Million – $5 Million (Approx.) 

Massad Boulos Education

Massad Boulos completed their High School education with Good Grades in the University.

Massad Boulos Wikipedia

At this moment no more Wikipedia information about Massad Boulos .


Now at this moment Massad Boulos relationship between them remains strong and there are no signs of complications or problems. They also have a mutual love and affection for each other.

Massad Boulos How Tall, Weight & Body Measurement

Massad Boulos stands at a well height with good body measurements and also has a fair body weight to match height.

Massad Boulos Social Media

Since from past months Massad Boulos attracted a lot of attention from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube with having thousand of active followers.

I hope you would like above article in which I have included all information about Massad Boulos Wiki, Biography, How tall, How Old, Height, Weight, Body measurements, Net worth, Income, Salary, Age, Religion, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Husband, Wife, Dating, Relationship, Breakup, Married life, Children, Son, Daughter, How rich is he and she, Education, College, School, University, Born country, nationality, rumors, latest news, Race details which is given above post.

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